7 Steps To A Timely Roof Repair And Damage Prevention
You often forget different tasks from the to-do list because of your tight schedule. What will most likely happen, if you forget to maintain and eventually repair the roof, is literally a collapse of junk all over the floor under it and a humongous hole in the ceiling. If you’d like to prevent and repair it on your own, here are a few guidelines.
# 1 Inspect The Problem
Logically, to cope with the problem, you have to carefully examine the roofing. You have to climb up on the roof, so watch out not to slip and fly off the top of your house like the possum from “Ice Age” and land like a stone in a pond. Before every “great” roof leak, there’s a hole or some part of the roof, which is not attached as it should. The cracks might be small, so keep your eyes peeled. Most of the problems are due to minor “imperfections” along the shingled surface and you can easily DIY a repair. However, if the situation is more serious, call a professional to access and do it instead of you.
# 2 Work Safe
There’s a reason people like to say “Safety first!”. The surface you will operate on is tricky, so take the precautions necessary to avert giant slalom down the roof and the injuries severe injuries afterwards. Wear an engineer’s helmet and a ladder with hooks on the upper end. Thus it will affix tightly and won’t slide down. A very essential part of your equipment are gloves, to avoid any splinters or other annoying injuries. Naturally, a very essential part of the work process are the weather conditions. Never, under any circumstances, work during bad weather like rain or strong wind.
# 3 When The Molehill Becomes A Mountain
If you think the tiny crack on the roof can wait, you’re wrong. It’s a matter of time before the little dot-leak becomes huge and devastates your entire home. Then you’ll have to deal with extensive damage not only on the roof, but the house, as well. This would probably mean furniture, floor, wall damage and will definitely cost more than a timely repair.
# 4 Metal Patch
In case of post-storm damage to the shingles, you can try a quick redo. Take a tube of roof-repair cement and a metal flashing. The size of the metal piece must be approximately one inch narrower and four inches longer than the ripped up shingle. Thus it will extend, encompass a wider surface and patch the leakage. In order to loosen the damaged tab and those around it, use a pry bar. Apply the roof cement under the shingle and leave it dry and harden.
# 5 Switch The Shingles

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Regardless of the quality materials your roof was encased with, sometimes, weather and other factors might cause split shingles. A quick and easy fix is to switch the shingles. To accomplish the task you need to use a hammer, chisel to split the shingle into several pieces and pliers to snatch the out. Once you’re ready with this, cut the same size shingle with a utility knife, so it matches the gap. Affix two galvanised cedar shingle nails in an angle upwards and exactly bellow the thicker edge of the upper shingle. To put the new shingle into its right place, use a wooden block and hammer.
# 6 Felt Paper
Another way to cope with the problem is felt paper. Remember to leave approximately one-inch overhang at the bottom part of the roof, so rain water can flow directly into the gutters, if the problematic crack is near the base of the roof. If the damaged part requires a few felt paper strips to be affixed in following patterns, like shingles or tiles, make sure they overlap. Thus insulation will be better and water won’t infiltrate.
# 7 What Would Provide The Best Results
These pieces of advice are just the quick-fix option.The problems will probably become more severe. Logically, if you don’t have the equipment and skills necessary, don’t experiment. This is your health and life you put at risk, so call Bob’s Handyman Manchester professionals. They will provide the best results as quick, as possible at minimal costs.
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